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Best Italian Coffee

Irish Coffee

Irish coffee is the perfect drink to warm you up and enjoy a little time out at the same time. Whether at the end of a long day or as a special end to a good meal - an Irish coffee always works. Perhaps with a few tunes from the north and wrapped in a Scottish blanket? Or after a wonderful day in the snow? In any case, coffee is a special treat.

  • 45 ml Irish whiskey

  • 150 ml hot, freshly brewed coffee

  • 2 teaspoons brown sugar

  • Cream / whipped cream

Irish Coffee für jede Gelegenheit. An kalten Tagen und zum Geniessen.

Preheat the glass: Always rinse Irish coffee glasses with hot water.

Mix the ingredients: Add brown sugar and Irish whiskey to the glass.

Add coffee: Fill the glass with hot, strong coffee and stir until the sugar dissolves.

Add cream: Carefully pour cream over the back of a spoon onto the coffee so that it floats on top and garnish the coffee with whipped cream.

Irish coffee = a drink, an experience - perfect for treating yourself to something special on a cozy evening.