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Best Italian Coffee

Iced Caramel Macchiato

The key to an iced caramel macchiato is the way the milk is added. Instead of simply mixing it, it is slowly poured over the caramel-infused espresso, creating a fascinating pattern and layering of ingredients. This visual element not only makes the drink photogenic, but also leaves plenty of scope to experience different flavors as you drink it.

The best thing about this recipe is that it's incredibly customizable. You can vary the amount of caramel, espresso and milk depending on the personal taste of you or your guests. This iced caramel macchiato is easy to adapt to your preferences.

This is what you need:
  • Espresso (a whole or half cup, depending on the desired strength)

  • 2-3 tablespoons of caramel sauce (again, vary according to preference)

  • 150 - 200 ml milk (depending on your preference, you can also choose almond, soy or oat milk)

  • A handful of ice cubes

  • Opt, soy or oat milk)

  • A handful of ice cubes

  • Optional: Whipped cream

Here's how:
  • First, prepare 1 or 2 cups of espresso so that it cools down a little

  • Fill the drinking glass halfway with ice and pour the caramel sauce over it.

  • Pour the milk over the ice cream and caramel sauce

  • Now carefully pour the espresso over the milk. This creates a nice layer.

  • If desired, you can now add the whipped cream and gently pour a little caramel sauce over the top for a visual effect.

Serve and enjoy.